Hope Center Resale Shop

Learn more about the Hope Center Resale Shop.

The Hope Center Resale Shop is located at 1 W Old Ridge Rd in Hobart and is looking for gently used furniture and household items. If you have items you are ready to part with, please consider donating these to the resale shop. Items can be dropped off at VNC on Sunday through Thursday or at the Resale Shop on Thursdays (9 a.m.-12 p.m.) and Saturdays (10 a.m.-3 p.m.). Be sure to visit for some shopping during our operating hours, every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

What is the Hope Center?

The Hope Center exists to help people in need take the next steps towards total restoration. These efforts include things like counseling, rent and utility assistance, food assistance, and more. The Hope Center Resale shop is one way we support the mission of the Hope Center. They are always looking for new volunteers and accepting donations of furniture, home decor, paint, and more.