Learn more about upcoming events taking place at VNC.
The latest happenings for you and your family at VNC.
This is a great connection point for couples looking for a great event on Valentine's Day!
Our high school students are invited to attend a winter retreat February 14-16.
Clubhouse Ministries presents Bing-Glow on Sunday, February 23!
Join the Second Half group for dinner & a movie on Tuesday, February 25.
Students in 7-12th grade are invited to participate in Celebrate Life!
If you're new to VNC, join us for lunch and get to know our church leaders on Sunday, March 2.
Join us in the Clubhouse for Pop-Tarts & PJ's on Sunday, March 9!
Learn more about baptism at VNC.
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to a live-in from Friday, March 14 to Saturday, March 15.
If you are fifty or older, we invite you to join us for a potluck after church on Sunday, March 16.
Join our Co-Ed Volleyball League, beginning April 10!
Middle school and high school students will be hanging out overnight at One Church, April 11-12.
Your family is invited to EasterJam on Sunday, April 13!
Join us as we journey through Holy Week and celebrate Easter together!
We are praising God for our Hobart Campus Launch on Sunday, April 20!
If you're 50 or older, join us for a cake & pie contest on Saturday, April 26!
If you have a child you'd like to dedicate to God, we'd love to celebrate that decision with you!
If you are 50 or older, join us for a day trip to the Tulip Festival on May 7!
Join us as we celebrate with families as they dedicate their children to God.
Our Summit students will have a Draft Party to kick off Intramurals on Sunday, May 18.
Join us this summer for FamJam! It's four nights of fun for the whole family!
Learn more about the upcoming mission trip to Appalachia.
Join us for this year's Block Party on August 17!
Connect with others and grow in your faith through our groups and classes.