Groups & Classes

Connect with others and grow in your faith through our groups and classes.

With it being one of our Core Values, we believe that “Community” in LifeGroups at VNC is a great way to get connected with other believers, grow in your faith, and experience true community (celebrating together, grieving together, and growing in Christ together). Our groups strive to help people Know Jesus more, Love Jesus more, and Obey Jesus more, as we become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. If you’d like to be a part of a LifeGroup, or lead one, please click the button below and let us know.

Winter Groups & Classes | In-Person

The Bible Recap

Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? Or maybe you have tried to read through the Bible in a year, but quit when it felt confusing or impersonal. The Bible Recap is here to help. Tara-Leigh Cobble, host of the popular Bible Recap podcast, walks readers through a one-year chronological Bible reading plan and explains each day's passage in an easy-to-understand way.

Emphasizing how God's character can be seen throughout Scripture, the recaps are simple and short yet deep enough to help you understand the hard parts and press into knowing God better. The Bible Recap will not only help you understand the entire narrative of the Bible, it will fortify your faith. Join our Bible Recap group as we read the Bible in a year through this chronological reading plan!

Leaders: Ben Godby, Carla Hawkins, & Cindy Godby

Meeting Dates: Every Sunday at 9 a.m. in room 1217. Join us on January 5, as we kick off a new year, starting in Genesis!

Group Type: Ongoing

Social Study

Gender/Age Group: 18+

Childcare: Check out our Clubhouse Ministries, available for children from birth through fifth grade, during both 9 a.m. service.



It may be difficult for you to make sense of the loss of a spouse, parent, friend or family member. If you find yourself in this situation, this may be the group for you! GriefShare is a 13-week class designed to help you navigate the feelings of loss with others who find themselves in the same place. We will have in-person sessions on Thursdays at VNC in room 1403 (please enter at door 6). Workbooks are included in the registration fee; however, scholarships are available if needed! Contact Jill Rhoda at the information provided in the link below.

Leaders: Sandy Mangel & Jill Rhoda

Meeting Dates: Thursdays at 6 p.m., beginning January 9

Group Type: Ongoing

Social Study

Gender/Age Group: 16+

Childcare: Not provided


It may be difficult for you to make sense of the loss of a spouse, parent, friend or family member. If you find yourself in this situation, this may be the group for you! GriefShare is a 13-week class designed to help you navigate the feelings of loss with others who find themselves in the same place. Workbooks are included in the registration fee; however, scholarships are available if needed! Contact Jill Rhoda at the information provided in the link below.

Leaders: Sandy Mangel & Jill Rhoda

Meeting Dates: Wednesdays at 6 p.m., beginning January 8

Group Type: Ongoing

Social Study

Gender/Age Group: 16+

Childcare: Not provided

Wednesday Morning Women's Group

Join us on Wednesday mornings for this ongoing women’s Bible study as we walk through Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy by Beth Moore. In 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Biblethe culmination of God's great storyspeaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age. Workbooks can be purchased for $15 at the VNC Shop. There's no need to sign up for this study!

Leader: Denise Taylor

Meeting Dates: Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m., beginning January 8, room 1217

Group Type: Ongoing

Social       Study

Gender/Age Group: Women 18+

Childcare: Not provided

Tuesday Night Women's Group

In-Touch Tuesdays is a women's Bible study that meets weekly on Tuesday evenings to study and apply God's Word together, and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. For the vast majority of His life, Jesus never traveled outside of a one-hundred mile radius from where He was born, but today His name is spoken in every corner of the earth. The Gospel on the Ground is the story of how Jesus’s message of hope and reconciliation began to spread from Jerusalem and how it’s still spreading like wildfire today. Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland for an 8-week study of the early years of the church as told in the book of Acts. Along the way you’ll learn that the kingdom of God is always on the move, offering purpose and joy to those longing for true fulfillment. And you’ll come to understand the part you are meant to play in the redemptive story God continues to write through your life today. This study will meet weekly beginning Tuesdays, January 14 through March 4, from 6 to 8 p.m. at VNC in the Conference Room (1106). NOTE: If you need a scholarship for the book, please let Linda or the VNC office know.

Leader: Linda Carullo

Meeting Dates: Tuesdays at 6 p.m., beginning January 14, Conference Room

Group Type: Ongoing

Social       Study

Gender/Age Group: Women 18+

Childcare: Not provided

Sunday Night Group

There’s room at the table for you. Are you looking for a Life Group, a group of people who help strengthen each other in being a follower of Jesus? We meet Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm in the church Conference Room. We discuss how to live out the sermon from that Sunday, pray together, and then share a meal. There’s room at the table for you. For more info you can contact or the church office.

Leader: Fred Prince

Meeting Dates: Sundays at 5:30 p.m., Conference Room

Group Type: Ongoing

Social Study

Age Group: 18+

Childcare: Not provided

Coffee Creek Ministry

Pastor Gene Tanner invites you to join him for a weekly message at Coffee Creek Senior Living. This ministry will take place at 11 a.m. each Wednesday, beginning February 12, at 2300 Village Point in Chesterton. You are welcome to join at any time!

Leader: Pastor Gene Tanner

Meeting Dates: Wednesdays at 11 a.m., at 2300 Village Point, Chesterton

Group Type: Ongoing

Social Study

Age Group: 18+

Childcare: Not provided

Thursday Night Men's Group

Tucked away near the end of the New Testament, you’ll find Paul’s letter to Titus. Scripture provides few details about Titus. But from this 46-verse letter, author Josh Smith has distilled ten foundations upon which to build godly men. These ten small group studies will help you mature into the man God designed you to be as you lead in your home, church, and the world. They will root your identity in Christ, define and teach you how to exercise godly dominion, and bolster the foundation of your essential beliefs so that you can confidently stand for the truth in a wayward culture. Workbooks for The Titus Ten can be purchased for $15 at the VNC Shop.

Leader: Brad Rhoda

Meeting Dates: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., beginning January 9, Conference Room

Group Type: Ongoing

Social       Study

Gender/Age Group: Men 18+

Childcare: Not provided

Saturday Morning Men's Group

N.T. Wright, the renowned biblical scholar, offers an accessible commentary on the book of Revelation, highlighting God's hope for believers rather than dwelling on doom and destruction others may focus on. Often deemed the most enigmatic New Testament book, the book of Revelation overflows with peculiar, intense and occasionally violent imagery. This book provides a remarkably clear glimpse into God's ultimate design for the entire creation. It shows how Jesus the Messiah's triumph and the resulting costly victory of his followers overcome the powerful evil forces at work, particularly within idolatrous and oppressive political systems. Our modern world is no less complex and perilous than in the late first century, when this book was written. Revelation for Everyone can be purchased for $15 at the VNC Shop.

Leader: Greg Taylor

Meeting Dates: Saturdays at 8:00 a.m., beginning January 11, Conference Room

Group Type: Ongoing

Social       Study

Gender/Age Group: Men 18+

Childcare: Not provided