Men's LifeGroups
Our Men's Groups meet throughout the year. Each group will do a different study and books for both studies will be available at the VNC Shop on Sunday mornings or the church office during the week. This is a great point of connection as men meet in small groups for Bible study and discussion. Contact Pastor Chris Gonzalez at for more information. Learn more about these studies below:
Thursday Night Men's Group
Tucked away near the end of the New Testament, you’ll find Paul’s letter to Titus. Scripture provides few details about Titus. But from this 46-verse letter, author Josh Smith has distilled ten foundations upon which to build godly men. These ten small group studies will help you mature into the man God designed you to be as you lead in your home, church, and the world. They will root your identity in Christ, define and teach you how to exercise godly dominion, and bolster the foundation of your essential beliefs so that you can confidently stand for the truth in a wayward culture. Workbooks can be purchased for $15 at the VNC Shop.
Leader: Brad Rhoda
Meeting Dates: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., beginning January 9, Conference Room
Group Type: Ongoing
Social Study
Gender/Age Group: Men 18+
Childcare: Not provided
Saturday Morning Men's Group
N.T. Wright, the renowned biblical scholar, offers an accessible commentary on the book of Revelation, highlighting God's hope for believers rather than dwelling on doom and destruction others may focus on. Often deemed the most enigmatic New Testament book, the book of Revelation overflows with peculiar, intense and occasionally violent imagery. This book provides a remarkably clear glimpse into God's ultimate design for the entire creation. It shows how Jesus the Messiah's triumph and the resulting costly victory of his followers overcome the powerful evil forces at work, particularly within idolatrous and oppressive political systems. Our modern world is no less complex and perilous than in the late first century, when this book was written. Revelation for Everyone can be purchased for $15 at the VNC Shop.
Leader: Greg Taylor
Meeting Dates: Saturdays at 8:00 a.m., beginning January 11, Conference Room
Group Type: Ongoing
Social Study
Gender/Age Group: Men 18+
Childcare: Not provided